HSE Instant Quote Calculator Please use the following tool to get an instant quote from HSE Group for your required services HSE Group Quote Calculator 1Your Services2Fire RA3Health & Safety RA4Water Safety5Fire Doors6Water Sampling7Your Quote Unique IDRandom CalcRandom Number1Base Price CalculationThis field is hidden when viewing the formDaily Consultancy Ratethis would be hidden - how to select appropriate consultant/feeThis field is hidden when viewing the formNumber of services selectedCounter used to determine discountThis field is hidden when viewing the formMultiple Services Discount2.5% if more than 1 is ticked - to be hiddenThis field is hidden when viewing the formDiscount(To include random number) and then be hiddenCalculated Discounted Daily RateCalculated Discounted Hourly RateYour ServicesServices Required(Required) Fire Risk Assessment Health and Safety Risk Assessment Water Safety Risk Assessment Fire Doors Water Sampling Fire Risk AssessmentFire Risk Assessment Choose Property Type(s)(Required) Shopping Complex and Office Space Multi Occupied Office Residential Blocks Fire Risk Assessment Number of Units in the Shopping Complex / Office Space(Required) Less than 25 26-40 41-50 51-100 More than 100 Fire Risk Assessment Shopping Complex / Office Space Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{H&S Number of Units in the Shopping Centre:3} Price: £ 0.00 Fire Risk Assessment Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²(Required) Less than 5,000 5,001-25,000 25,001-50,000 50,001-75,000 75,001-100,000 100,001-150,000 More than 150,000 Fire Risk Assessment Multi Occupancy Office Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{H&S Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²:4} Price: £ 0.00 Fire Risk Assessment Residential Blocks(Required) 1-10 Units 10-25 Units 25-50 Units 51-60 Units 61-75 Units 76-100 Units 100-150 Units More than 150 Units Fire Risk Assessment Residential Blocks Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{FRA Residential Blocks:76} Price: £ 0.00 Total Health & Safety Risk AssessmentHealth & Safety Choose Property Type(s)(Required) Shopping Complex and Office Space Multi Occupied Office Residential Blocks External Areas Health & Safety Number of Units in the Shopping Complex / Office Space(Required) Less than 25 26-40 41-50 51-100 More than 100 Health & Safety Shopping Complex / Office Space Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{H&S Number of Units in the Shopping Centre:3} Price: £ 0.00 Health & Safety Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²(Required) Less than 5,000 5,001-25,000 25,001-50,000 50,001-75,000 75,001-100,000 100,001-150,000 More than 150,000 Health & Safety Multi Occupancy Office Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{H&S Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²:4} Price: £ 0.00 Health & Safety Residential Blocks(Required) 1-10 Units 10-25 Units 25-50 Units 51-60 Units 61-75 Units 76-100 Units 100-150 Units More than 150 Units Health & Safety Residential Blocks Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{H&S Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²:4} Price: £ 0.00 Health & Safety External Areas(Required) Less than 10,000 sq m 10,000 to 20,000 sq m 20,000 to 30,000 sq m Over 30,000 sq m TotalTotal of all displayed prices Water Safety Risk AssessmentWater Safety Risk Assessment Choose Property Type(s)(Required) Shopping Complex and Office Space Multi Occupied Office Residential Blocks Water Safety Risk Assessment Number of Units in the Shopping Complex / Office Space(Required) Less than 25 26-40 41-50 51-100 More than 100 Water Safety Risk Assessment Shopping Complex / Office Space Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{H&S Number of Units in the Shopping Centre:3} Price: £ 0.00 Water Safety Risk Assessment Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²(Required) Less than 5,000 5,001-25,000 25,001-50,000 50,001-75,000 75,001-100,000 100,001-150,000 More than 150,000 Water Safety Risk Assessment Multi Occupancy Office Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{LRA Multi-Occupancy Office Area in Ft²:82} Price: £ 0.00 Water Safety Risk Assessment Residential Blocks(Required) 1-10 Units 10-25 Units 25-50 Units 51-60 Units 61-75 Units 76-100 Units 100-150 Units More than 150 Units Water Safety Risk Assessment Residential Blocks Pricethis would be hidden {Calculated Discounted Hourly Rate:69}*{FRA Residential Blocks:76} Price: £ 0.00 Total Fire DoorsTotal Number of Doors(Required)Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.Fire Doors Total Price: £ 0.00 Total Water SamplingNumber of Water SamplesPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 0.Water Sample Total Price: £ 0.00 Total Your QuoteSome of the Items you've requested require further discussion to give you an accurate price, please complete the form below and we will get in touch with you to discuss the detailsThank you for your information Your quote is ready 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