Compartmental Survey
A specialist fire safety consultant will undertake a non-intrusive survey of the accessible* passive fire protection (compartmentation), checking all relevant areas under the control of the client. The consultant will prepare a report detailing passive protection, the level of compliance, including actions and recommendations required to protect life.
The assessment will involve detailed non-intrusive investigative works within ceiling and floor voids, roof spaces, as well as within service rises, behind boxings, and any other areas of potential fire spread.
Our compartmentation surveys include:
- an assessment of the current compartmentation strategy for the dwelling or building,
- a comprehensive visual inspection of the existing fire compartmentation provisions, including floors, walls, roof voids, basements, floor and ceiling voids, risers and shafts,
- an assessment of the condition of compartmentation and any defects in accordance with British Standards, Approved Document B, and any site-specific fire strategy information,
- detailed mark ups of existing floor plans, indicating the locations of compartment walls and floors (a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment is required prior to mark-up),
- a survey of fire stopping to identify individual breaches in compartmentation.
- a fire door survey to identify any defects with existing fire doors.
Essential requirement for property management, the compartmentation survey can validate your management approach, reflect management of all passive fire components, whilst considering and identifying any areas requiring improvement. Compartmentation is the primary provision for ‘Life’ safety in all properties.