Fire Safety
Policies & Procedures
Let Us Guide You Through Your Compliance Obligations
Policies are critical statements that communicate senior leadership intent and commitment to fire safety, and fire safety management. Procedures are crucial in the provision of information to managers, employees (and all others) on how fire safety is managed. Developing and implementing policies and procedures is a statutory requirement in achieving system based fire safety management.
Fire Safety Policies & Procedures
A service focussed on the development of a Fire Safety Policy and Procedures, in order to set out the objectives and intention of the business, a commitment to legal compliance, signed by the most senior executive or officer, and displayed as a statement for all.
Once the policy and objectives are confirmed, a fire safety management plan detailing all arrangements to implement, control, monitor and review fire safety standards and to ensure those standards are maintained. The plan describes the arrangements for effectively managing fire safety to prevent fire occurring and, in the event of fire, to protect people and property.
A fire safety plan is essential to ensure compliance in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005 (RRO).
Legionella Risk Assessment
Legionella Risk Assessments (LRA’s) are one of our most essential and frequently used compliance services, designed to assess your water system, consider the risk from legionella, and give you a helping hand with all your management requirements.
The LRA will culminate in a detailed risk rated report, indicating the overall risk of harm, in consideration of compliance in accordance with the relevant standard; all actions and recommendations will be detailed, and risks rated.
Where applicable, LRA’s must be completed annually, along with six monthly compliance reviews to ensure actions and findings are implemented, and water is managed in accordance with the Written Scheme (Link).
Written Schemes
A site-specific written scheme to support the management of the building. This would be specific to each site and detail all parties who manage and maintain the sites water quality.
The final written scheme will cover:
- Your system (i.e. an up to date plan or diagram)
- The person responsible for carrying out the assessment and managing water management implementation.
The safe and correct operation of the system:
- What control methods and other precautions you will be using; and
- What checks will be carried out on the control scheme and how often these should be carried out.
Water logbooks are fundamental to successfully managing a buildings water quality, along with maintaining the required logs and records.
Our service will review your system management requirements and the written scheme and develop a logbook that will guide operatives through the routine weekly, monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annually tasks as applicable. Logbooks can be developed in paper or electronic form, electronic logbooks and records can hosted on the Compliance Portal.
Water Sampling & Testing
A management service that provides a consultant to take water samples, and complete temperature monitoring.
The samples are tested in an approved UKAS Lab and the results are analysed by us. We are independent from any water treatment companies, so all advise is given with an impartial view.
Water samples are only required if there are high risk occupants, or concern with the water system.
Training is available from our dedicated consultants, to ensure the duty holder and all others with responsibilities are competent to carry out their regular duties efficiently and effectively.
The nature of training required will be identified through risk assessment, and in accordance with the written scheme and management requirements.

Water – the Legal bit….What Is Required
Employers, landlords and managing agents, along with all whom control or manage property, must ensure the risks from legionella in water systems is appropriately managed. For all property, the duty holder or responsible person must ensure all compliance obligations are being met.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA) imposes a duty to control the risk from legionella bacteria, that may arise from work activities. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) provide a broad framework for controlling health and safety at work, requiring adequate arrangements and risk assessment, along with competent persons. Specifically, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) provide a framework of actions designed to assess, prevent, or control the risk from bacteria like Legionella and take suitable precautions.
As the responsible person you must:
- identify and assess sources of risk – Legionella Risk Assessment.
- manage any risks – Written Scheme.
- prevent or control any risks – Hygiene Measures, Sampling & Testing.
- keep and maintain the correct records – Waterlog Book
- carry out any other duties detailed in the Written Scheme.
A Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA) is an essential compliance service to support Legionella (water) Management.
The LRA’s are conducted in accordance with:
- Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 – Legionnaires’ disease
The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems’
BS 8580 ‘Water quality. Risk assessments for Legionella Control. Code of practice.’